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Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength

  • Meaningful self regulation requires goals
  • Frequent self monitoring of behavior relative to goals is critical for effective self control
  • Willpower is a generic, finite resource
    • the same reserves that we use to avoid junk food or pursue a fitness goal fuel our drive to stay on task at work or stick to a new bedtime routine
  • Glucose replenishes willpower
    • sweet drinks are often used in scientific experiments to demonstrate the replenishment of willpower reserves
    • but it may be more practical in life to habitually rely on slower dietary fuels, like protein, than to rely on the fast boost from sugary drinks
  • Practice can improve our willpower capacity. Some examples include
    • Maintaining good posture
    • a right-handed person brushing their teeth with their left hand
  • People with the strongest willpower tend to rely on it less often
    • Use willpower to proactively develop good habits and shape our environments such that we don’t need much willpower to do the right thing on a regular basis