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🦟🔍 Bug Investigation

🤔 Why doesn’t my embedded Excalidraw get converted to svg when I publish this note?

👀 Observations

  • there is an image element embedded in the page, but it doesn’t render
  • when I view the image at its url directly, I see the following error and a blank page
This page contains the following errors:  
error on line 1 at column 1: Start tag expected, '<' not found  
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.  
  • I sometimes see the following error in an obsidian popup after publishing this note:
❌ Errors  
📤 Cannot be published  
🗒️Drawing 2024-12-12 17.20.04.excalidraw.md  
  • I also see this error popup when publishing this note: ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined
  • I’ve pulled the corresponding log line out of my logstravaganza plugin log file (chat gpt cleaned it up)
FATAL    Enveloppe  
    ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined  
  • my current Enveloppe config:
  "github": {  
    "branch": "main",  
    "automaticallyMergePR": true,  
    "dryRun": {  
      "enable": false,  
      "folderName": "github-publisher"  
    "tokenPath": "%configDir%/plugins/%pluginID%/env",  
    "api": {  
      "tiersForApi": "Github Free/Pro/Team (default)",  
      "hostname": ""  
    "workflow": {  
      "commitMessage": "[PUBLISHER] Merge",  
      "name": ""  
    "verifiedRepo": true  
  "upload": {  
    "behavior": "obsidian",  
    "defaultName": "content",  
    "rootFolder": "",  
    "yamlFolderKey": "",  
    "frontmatterTitle": {  
      "enable": false,  
      "key": "title"  
    "replaceTitle": [],  
    "replacePath": [],  
    "autoclean": {  
      "includeAttachments": true,  
      "enable": true,  
      "excluded": [  
    "folderNote": {  
      "enable": false,  
      "rename": "index.md",  
      "addTitle": {  
        "enable": false,  
        "key": "title"  
    "metadataExtractorPath": ""  
  "conversion": {  
    "hardbreak": true,  
    "dataview": true,  
    "censorText": [],  
    "tags": {  
      "inline": false,  
      "exclude": [],  
      "fields": []  
    "links": {  
      "internal": true,  
      "unshared": true,  
      "wiki": true,  
      "slugify": "disable",  
      "unlink": false  
  "embed": {  
    "attachments": true,  
    "overrideAttachments": [],  
    "keySendFile": [],  
    "notes": true,  
    "folder": "",  
    "convertEmbedToLinks": "keep",  
    "charConvert": "->",  
    "unHandledObsidianExt": [],  
    "sendSimpleLinks": true,  
    "forcePush": true,  
    "useObsidianFolder": false,  
    "bake": {  
      "textBefore": "",  
      "textAfter": ""  
  "plugin": {  
    "shareKey": "share",  
    "excludedFolder": [  
    "copyLink": {  
      "enable": true,  
      "links": "bagrounds.org",  
      "removePart": [],  
      "transform": {  
        "toUri": true,  
        "slugify": "strict",  
        "applyRegex": []  
    "setFrontmatterKey": "Set"  
  "tabsId": "plugin-settings"  

🧑‍🔬 Attempts

  • I’ve updated my GitHub publisher (now Enveloppe) Obsidian plugin to the latest version
  • I’ve updated my Obsidian Excalidraw Plugin to the latest version
  • I’ve tried toggling a bunch of settings in my Envelope plugin related to links and conversions
  • I’ve looked through Enveloppe’s GitHub issue tracker for similar problems
    • This issue looks close, but not quite the same

🤔 Hypotheses

  • The Excalidraw file is being sent over as markdown instead of directly being converted to svg
  • Maybe that Buffer not defined error comes up while trying to convert the file to svg
    • If so, the JavaScript runtime used by my mobile obsidian app may differ from the developer’s test environment. But I’m already on the latest version of Obsidian.

📎 Workaround

  • In the meantime, I’ve exported the excalidraw to svg and embedded that directly.
  • This gives the same end result, but requires a suboptimal workflow: re-export the file on every change, delete the old one, and rename the new export.
  • ooh, looks like a better workaround may exist

🦟 The Bug
