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🐈 I walked 2 of our 3 cats this morning.
🧭 Butterscotch had quite the adventure, exploring the front yard for the first time!
🏃🏻 It’s been about a week, but I finally got out for a run on this beautiful, sunny Friday morning.
⌚ Of course, I noticed the absence of my Fitbit about halfway through 🙄.
🤷🏻 C’est la vie, I suppose.
🐍 I also noticed a snake on the running trail for the first time!
🏎️ It had a racing stripe and was rapidly side winding its way across the pavement.
🦵🏻Recently, my shins hurt during and after a run.
🔍 I may need to do some research on shin splints.
🚲 Maybe I should get a bike for some low impact cardio.
🐟 I had can of salmon for lunch.
🚿 Then a cold shower
☕ And a cup of coffee before my…
🏋🏻 Mock Interview
🔜 The real thing is scheduled for the 17th, but my prospective employer offers a mock interview before the real thing.
😁 I felt great physically, mentally, and emotionally.
🔮 I’ll definitely aim for a similar pre-interview schedule for the real thing.
💁🏻 My interviewer was friendly and helpful.
🔬 He explained that we’d work on a single problem to give him time to add commentary and tips throughout the process.
The warm up behavioral question
🧊 This isn’t evaluated, is intended as an ice breaker, and I should aim to keep my response brief: 1-2 minutes.
Tell me about your favorite project you’ve worked on.
📜 For some reason, the first project that came to mind was about 10 years old. After he asked, I mentioned another, more recent side project.
📝 I should write out and rehearse answers to some example questions like this.
⚡ It’s not a big deal, but having stories ready can save time and reduce unnecessary stress or awkwardness from improv.
The Problem
Write a function that returns the English language representation of a signed, 32-bit integer.
📑 This isn’t a particularly challenging problem, algorithmically, but it’s kind of a messy problem, thus can be good practice for managing corner cases and code complexity.
⏮️ I found the problem on LeetCode and (using feedback from the mock interview) implemented it again.
🌬️ My original solution is lost in the vacuum of temporary, shared coding environments.
💅🏻 But that’s okay, this one’s better anyway.
The (Revised) Solution
🦶🏻 Footnote from the future: we rewrite this solution twice tomorrow.
What Happened
🏋🏻 I followed the routine I’ve been practicing on LeetCode in recent weeks. Having this go-to framework well-practiced kept the process smooth and steady.
🗣️ I narrated my thought process as I went.
🏗️ I ultimately implemented the top level function and one of two helper functions, and ran 2 manual tests on the helper function.
👉🏻 My interviewer gave feedback and tips along the way and a comprehensive review of expectations and final tips at the end.
Feedback & Takeaways
- Unless I find it particularly useful, I can be less verbose in my planning phase.
- If I have time for testing at all, a single test case chosen for good test coverage will likely suffice in an interview.
- To save time and space in my testing phase, I can skip variable state annotation liberally (only annotating the most valuable variables) and write the values in a comment on the same line as the variable.
- My performance is evaluated across 4 axes:
- Problem solving (i.e. my planning phase: coming up with an approach, analyzing performance, optimization)
- Coding (translating a plan into code, complexity, clarity)
- Testing
- Communication (ask good questions, narrate my thought process as I go)
- 60-70% of my evaluation is based on problem solving and coding
- Documentation: when stubbing helper functions, it’s useful to leave a comment describing what it should do, or maybe some input/output examples so the interviewer can easily understand what it would eventually do.
- If I have two problems in a single interview, the first problem is a warm up
- Aim to be done with it in ~15 minutes
- Aim for ~2 minutes of planning (ask the interviewer for help if I’m struggling to meet this bar)
- Aim for ~10 minutes of coding
- Even if I don’t have time for testing, that can be evaluated after the second problem
- Double the above target times for the second question in a two problem interview (i.e. 15 minutes for the first problem, 30 for the second)
- If a coding problem involves a lot of typing (e.g. filling out a table of English words for numbers) I can abbreviate with ellipses (e.g. ‘One’, ‘Two’, …, ‘Nineteen’)
- It may help to aim for a more fluid plan coming out of the planning phase to allow for pivoting or adjustment as necessary during the coding phase.
- If using obscure language features (e.g. + to convert a numeric string to a number), take a moment to explain this to the interviewer.
🪞 Reflections
- This was a very valuable exercise.
- I got a good sense of my current performance.
- I got good feedback from my interviewer (and based on my own self-observation in a realistic context) to tweak and tune my approach.
- I still need to figure out how to speed up my planning phase. I should spend some more time thinking about what exactly the output of my planning phase should be. For example, maybe it’s enough to mention a useful, broad approach when identified, note the runtime complexity, then move on. Some examples:
- Iteratively divide & modulo to get groups of digits; lookup tables for primitives & special cases - O(log(N))
- Breadth First Search - O(N)
- Two pointers / sliding window - O(N)
- Sorting - O(N * log(N))